The Healing Power Of Thai Massage

In the recent time, Thai massage has gained a lot of popularity across the Singapore. Every day, millions of people visit the massage parlors to get rid of their body pains, uneasiness, and stress. However, the traditional Thai massage is an age old practice that has been practiced for ages, whereby it includes diet, medical treatment as well as…

In the recent time, Thai massage has gained a lot of popularity across the Singapore. Every day, millions of people visit the massage parlors to get rid of their body pains, uneasiness, and stress. However, the traditional Thai massage is an age old practice that has been practiced for ages, whereby it includes diet, medical treatment as well as massage. By the aid of this treatment, the masseurs aim to restore the back the balance in the energy and thereby heal the problems of an individual.

Techniques used in Thai massage

The most important technique used inThai massage is the art of pressurizing the treatment area. Much like shiatsu, Thai masseurs too insert pressure along the energy channels of the body. This is a very common treatment technique of the Chinese people. However, Thai massage is more pleasurable than other forms of Chinese pressure treatments which require inserting tremendous pressure in the body.

Reflexology technique

Reflexology is a branch of Thai massage, which is based on the theory that there are pressure points in the feet, which can be used to heal any problem in the body.  Thus, they are extra careful with feet, because proper energy flow in the legs and feet helps an individual to be grounded.

Blood stopping technique

The Thai masseurs use the blood stopping technique, to cut off the blood circulation to an area for a minute. This results in an immediate increase of pressure, causing the cardiac muscles to slow down the contraction to lower the pressure. Thus, when the pressure is released from the artery, there is a fresh supply of blood in that area. Thus, it is very effective in relieving stress and feeling relaxed.

However, these techniques might not be effective for everybody. For example, the blood stopping technique is harmful to people suffering from cardiovascular problems or diabetes. This is why it is always better to visit the professional masseurs for Thai Massage.

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